Welcome to St. Simon’s on the Sound



On Sunday, April 21st, we will have one service at 9:30am, with a Folk Mass. Parish picnic follows. All are welcome.

Holy Eucharist in the nave (the main sanctuary) 9:30am. A nursery is provided and children’s chapel is held during the first half of the worship service. Ushers can direct you to the nursery and children’ chapel locations.

Adult Christian Education after the 9:30 service, in the Parish Hall and in the Fellowship Room. Ask an usher if you have any questions.

Holy Eucharist 11:30am in the Kendrick Chapel. During excellent weather conditions this service may be in our outdoor chapel.

St. Simon’s is looking for a Choir Director

Our Choir Director of over 41 years, the wonderful John Leatherwood, has retired. If you are someone you know may be interested in applying for this position plase click HERE for the job description and contact information.

Baptism Form 
Altar Flower Dedication Form

A sacramental church, striving to know Christ and make Him known

I am David Knight and I have had the pleasure of serving as Rector of St. Simon’s on the Sound since August of 2016. Thank you for visiting our website. Please know we are always happy to answer any questions you may have and would love to have you worship with us.

I have found St. Simon’s to be a warm, vibrant, welcoming church full of people of all ages, all walks of life, all who come seeking a closer relationship with Jesus Christ through wonderful worship, serving others in the church and in the community, and offering Christian discipleship formation from the cradle through adult hood. We also have a LOT of fun together. Laughter is a core component of our time together.

I believe the Episcopal church has a unique offering to the world. St. Simon’s is part of the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast and the worldwide Anglican Communion. We encourage people to come with all their questions, all their doubts, all their faith (large or small), all of who they are and who they are striving to be. We truly welcome everyone.

At the altar I often will invite people to communion using these words from the holy community of Iona in Scotland. Let me leave you with them, and I pray they will serve to paint a picture of who we are and how we see our place in the kingdom of God. Please join us!

“This is the table of the Lord. It is made ready for those who love Him and those who want to love Him more, so come. You who have much faith and you who have little. You who have been here often and you who have not been here very long. You who have tried to follow and you who have failed – come! For it is the Lord who invites you, and it is His desire that those who want Him, shall find him here”,

Oh, and Yay Jesus!

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